Unlocking student success: Purpose-built application for cohort analysis
Have you ever found yourself in a bustling mall, relying on way finders to pinpoint your favourite shops and restaurants? It’s a familiar scenario that parallels the intricate process of macro to micro analysis. Now, imagine harnessing this concept within the educational realm with District 360. Picture a purpose-built application for cohort analysis that takes you from broad perspectives to granular details, offering a captivating journey of discovery. Let’s delve into this exciting and insightful analysis.
The macro view of District 360 unveils the classrooms spanning grades 9, 10,11 and 12, setting the stage for deeper exploration. Navigating through this intuitive experience resembles touching your way finder screen, guiding you to precisely what you seek.
The above Cohort analysis provides insights into questions without losing the macro view. Users can easily find things like active student services, English proficiency status, and receive highlighted descriptive messages of the results. While the micro view highlights one or more students for inquiry, the analysis can dive even deeper. By clicking on a particular student, you gain access to: attendance records, behaviour insights, report card details, credits earned, and even transportation preferences. This comprehensive view empowers educators and administrators with interactive analysis to personalize support and interventions for each student’s unique needs.
In the case of bus route analysis, it breaks down bus route selection to the level of the first pickup point, the number of students boarding at each stop, the location of pickup points, and arrival times at the school. Selecting a bus number 2 and clicking on the starting point at 7:15 AM, decision makers will get to see how many students are boarding at the crossroad of Maple Avenue & Oak Street, including the time and grade. Similarly, details for upcoming boarding points such as Elmwood Drive & Pinecrest Road, and others can be accessed without any restrictions. Morning pickups and evening drop-offs can be further analysed with District 360 geographic analytics features, including how far each student walks to the bus stop from their residence.
Curious enough? Reach out to me at nandhini@assureeservices.com for a deeper dive into District 360’s innovative educational solutions and together how we can transform your institution. Let’s embark on this journey together towards enhanced student success and educational excellence.