Gen AI Meets Business Intelligence: A Trusted Platform for Innovation
In today’s digital age, organizations have powerful tools to extract insights from structured data, using dashboards and reports to generate both descriptive and predictive outcomes. Modern analytics platforms can seamlessly connect disparate data sources, whether on-premises or in the cloud, to deliver actionable insights. However, deriving insights from unstructured data remains a significant challenge.
In Massachusetts, with its 351 cities and towns, this challenge is particularly evident. Thousands of PDF documents generated from town meetings hold valuable information, but their unstructured format makes it difficult for state officials to analyze and utilize the data effectively. This underscores the critical need for advanced tools that can bridge the gap between unstructured data and actionable intelligence.
How can state officials efficiently tap into this vast reservoir of unstructured data to inform policymaking and resource allocation? Addressing this challenge requires the development of sophisticated tools and methodologies capable of transforming unstructured data into actionable insights.
The sheer volume and unstructured nature of these documents make them difficult to search, analyze, and extract meaningful insights from. As a result, crucial information is often buried, leading to missed opportunities for informed decision-making.
Building a custom Generative AI-driven system to analyze unstructured data from these town meeting documents is possible, but it would require significant resources. This involves hiring AI developers and data scientists, securing the necessary infrastructure, and managing ongoing maintenance.
In contrast, Qlik Answers offers a ready-to-use solution that delivers instant, actionable insights with much lower operational expenses. One of its key features is that the “View in Sources” links to the data's exact sources. This transparency builds trust, as users can verify the information's origins, ensuring the insights' accuracy and reliability.
Let’s ask few questions:
Q: “When was the most recent green energy resolution passed?”
The most recent green energy resolution mentioned in the provided content is the approval of Articles 24, 26, 28, and 29, along with the retention of Article 30 for further review, by a decision issued on May 31, 2023. This decision is related to the DOER’s Municipal Fossil Fuel Free Building Construction and Renovation Demonstration Project, which aims to establish a framework for cities and towns to adopt ordinances or by-laws requiring new building construction or major renovation projects to be fossil fuel-free. Additionally, the deadline for a decision on Article 30 was extended until September 21, 2023, by agreement with Town Counsel under G.L. c. 40, § 32 on July 24, 2023.
View 1 Source
Q: “What laws have been most effective in promoting green energy adoption?”
With Qlik Answers, you receive detailed and precise responses instantly, complete with source transparency from massive number of documents. This makes it an ideal tool for streamlining data analysis in government or any sector dealing with unstructured data.
Curious to know more about how Qlik Answers can be a great tool for your specific use cases? Interested in seamlessly embedding AI features into your BI content?
Contact Nandhini devi Muthu, Data Analyst, Assure eServices to explore how this solution can work for you.